Friday, May 8, 2009


Brianna - Age 6

Things she likes - Exploring, Dancing, Hockey ... and most recently ... climbing trees and building bridges across the creek for ants

We spent less than an hour romping around my 10 acre yard.  She was armed with a freshly picked red tulip, and I was armed with a camera ready to capture the adventure.

Much time was spent at my old play fort and swing set from when I was little.  Then we moved on to the woods where I showed her our old tree fort and the creek out back.  I think her favorite place was the creek where she spent most of the time finding sticks long enough to reach from one side to the other so that ants could safely cross without drowning.  What a sweetheart huh?  I had so much fun chasing her around!

For more portfolio images please visit my web site

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